Following my 6model post from a few days ago, I wanted to show a little bit more about some of the problems with the current Parrot object model. I wanted to show the performance disparity between built-in vtables and user-defined vtable overrides. The built-in versions are cheap to call, and I knew that overrides would be more expensive. I wasn’t aware how much more expensive, so I put together a benchmark to compare some things.

On a side note, several Rakudo developers are showing that there have been some significant performance regressions since the 3.0 release. We’ve spent a few days looking into causes for that, at least some of which may be related to GC tunings. This morning bacek ran valgrind on the Rakudo build, and showed surprisingly that GC only accounts for about 12% of total execution time, which is actually not a bad result. What is surprising is that PCC, especially the fill_params function which I will talk about below, eats up just as much time. What stinks is that the two synergize: PCC creates PMCs, which causes additional churn in GC. If we make PCC more efficient, we cut down on GC pressure along the way. Today I’m going to talk about one special case where PCC really fails hard. I’m preparing subsequent posts to talk about possible solutions, and I will post them later this week.

Here’s an example winxed program I wrote to benchmark some common dispatch mechanisms:

class MyTestClass {
    function get_integer[vtable]() { return 1; }
    function get_int() { return 1; }

function main[main]() {
    var total_runs = 1000000; // one million times
    var obj = new MyTestClass;
    var myint = new 'Integer';
    count_time("no dispatch (base line)", function() {
        int count = total_runs;
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            result = result + 1;
    count_time("vtable calls", function() {
        int count = total_runs;
        myint = 1;
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            result = result + myint;
    count_time("method calls", function() {
        int count = total_runs;
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            result = result + obj.get_int();
    count_time("vtable_override calls", function() {
        int count = total_runs;
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            result = result + obj;

function count_time(string description, var code)
    say(sprintf("Starting %s", [description]));
    float starttime = floattime();
    float endtime = floattime();
    say(sprintf("Total time: %fs\n", [endtime - starttime]));

What this is doing is comparing three dispatch mechanisms: Regular vtable calls, vtable override calls, and method calls. Which do you think is the fastest? Which do you think is the slowest? Here are the results on my machine:

Starting no dispatch (base line)
Total time: 0.189244s

Starting vtable calls
Total time: 0.257013s

Starting method calls
Total time: 4.172381s

Starting vtable_override calls
Total time: 8.376169s

The baseline test is entirely composed from integer operations. The for loop uses all integer compares, and the internal op of the loop is a single add instruction between integers. This loop probably does not invoke GC even once, and executes entirely in a single context. It took just under two tenths of a second to run, which is probably dominated by opcode dispatch costs and register lookup costs (neither of which are huge). There isn’t much in this benchmark that we can optimize directly, unless we ran optimizers on it to convert the 3-argument add with a constant to a single 2-argument in-place add or even a 1-argument increment instruction. I’m not convinced that either of those would actually be any faster, since the op dispatch costs and the register lookup costs are still big pieces at this scale.

The second test, using vtables on a built-in type takes about 135% more time than the baseline. This isn’t a huge jump, but now instead of just adding a constant we are calling a vtable to fetch and return the value of the constant. This loop still probably has no GC costs, no PCC costs, and is dominated by opcode and vtable dispatch costs. Built-in vtable dispatch costs are higher than the costs of adding a constant, as we would expect, but we aren’t going overboard here. Again, I don’t think there are many opportunities to optimize here, so this number is probably as good as we are going to get.

The third test uses method calls on PIR-defined objects to fetch the constant values. Here, the performance dropoff is noticeable: a whopping 2204% longer than the baseline, and 1623% longer than C-based vtable dispatch. These costs aren’t unexpected, we know that a method call is more intensive than a vtable call. We now have to include PCC costs for calling the method, and GC costs to help reclaim the contexts and signatures and things. I’ve said before (and I will say several hundred more times on this blog and elsewhere) that we can eventually decrease PCC costs significantly, but this is what we have right now. Each method call involves a find_method vtable call to fetch the method object, then an invocation of that object through PCC. If we had a system of polymorphic inline caching at the call site we could cache the results of find_method and maybe save some time there. Also a JIT could do some similar caching through type specialization. As we saw above, the built-in vtable dispatch costs to call find_method aren’t too severe anyway, so things like JIT and PIC probably aren’t the silver bullet we need to cut out the bulk of the timing problems here. Since we aren’t passing any arguments to this method the brunt of the PCC costs in argument processing can be avoided entirely.

Now here’s where the results get surprising. What happens when we call a vtable override to do exactly the same thing as in the previous examples? Vtable overrides are just Sub PMCs, the same as methods, and use PCC dispatch and GC just the same. However, there is a huge difference in timings. vtable overrides take 200% longer in this benchmark compared to ordinary methods, and a gigantic 3259% longer than ordinary vtable calls. In other words, one vtable override on a built-in type can take one amount of time, and the same exact operation on a subclass which overrides that vtable will take over 3200% longer. Since many vtable overrides are called from inside opcodes, some ops will appear to take twice as long as a custom method to perform the same exact operation.


The answer is actually pretty simple. In addition to the PCC and GC costs of the dispatch mechanisms, vtable overrides must recurse and create a new runloop. Creating the new runloop to execute the override, setting up the execution environment for it, executing it through PCC, and returning a value back up the chain is what takes all that time. Those nested runloops are nefarious, which is one reason why we need Lorito so much. If we don’t have to recurse runloops for vtable overrides, we can cut the worst-case dispatch time by half.

Also making this situation worse in perpetuity is that the current system of vtable overrides are not nearly as amenable to things like PIC or JIT type specialization optimizations in the future, because the vtable override is found and executed internally. There is no vtable object to find and cache anywhere prior to the lookup. These things might become possible after Lorito and after 6model and a huge round of vtable refactors, but again that’s not even a portion of the problem. The biggest problems are the PCC dispatch mechanism itself, and the argument processing mechanism.

Notice also that vtable overrides are not really special. Other types of dispatch have the same performance characteristics as they do. For instance, any time we call a PIR-defined method from C code (as happens in embedding situations, for example), we also must recurse into a new runloop and will have some of the same performance problems. Some add-on and other ecosystem projects make heavy use of PCC invokes from C code, which would all be just as bad as what I show here.

The solutions here are mostly clear. First off, if at all possible, avoid vtable overrides. If you convert every vtable override in your system to a method call instead, you will see some significant savings. Also, in the future, Lorito should turn all these nested runloop calls into ordinary subroutine dispatch calls, which in turn will make them all less expensive. Of course, Lorito could be a long way off depending on a number of factors. One thing you can do right now to make your own code faster is to avoid vtable overrides entirely, and use methods where possible. As part of my 6model plans, we can reduce the total number of vtables, and maybe add a mechanism to execute vtable overrides in-line like methods, if we are calling them from the runloop (and not from nested C code). I’ll talk about all these plans in future posts.