I used to be the kind of guy who cared about test coverage. You know, that percentage value you get when you run your tests and count up how many lines of your code were actually executed versus how many lines of code you have total. Too little coverage causes your testing tool to spit out red warning messages, flashing indicators and sad face emoticons. The goal for any system is to reach 100%, no matter the cost.
What I’ve learned in the intervening years is that not all code is created equal from the perspective of unit testing. Different types of code get tested in different ways and some code doesn’t need to get tested at all. Learning when to test and how to do it when necessary, is a big step down the road to software enlightenment.
Let’s talk about a few different types of code, whether they are worth testing and, if so, how to do it.
External Dependencies
As a general rule, you do not need to test your external dependencies. That is, you aren’t testing code you didn’t write. You need to trust that the original authors did their due diligence. If you can’t trust it, why would you be using it in your project?
This is not to say that you should just use any old third party library sight unseen. This is not an excuse for you to shirk your due diligence. Put together a proof-of-concept, read user testimonials, and make sure the product you’re getting is worth having. But, once you decide that you trust the makers of the library enough to use their code in your project, it’s not your responsibility to unit-test their code. If their code has problems, you file bug reports. Let them fix and test it.
External dependencies are things like your platform standard libraries, your database, your network, your operating system, referenced binaries, device drivers, etc. Unless you’re running custom builds of these things, don’t bother with “sanity” tests to prove that they work as advertised. If you are running a custom build, you should have unit tests on that project, not in all the upstream ones. It’s a waste of your time to be testing code which you didn’t write, because the vendor has already done that.
Consider the case where I have some data access code that does a little bit of data transformation, validation, and then stores the results into a database. Since I don’t need to test the database, I can inject a mock object or a stub into my test to examine my stuff in isolation.
Consider also the case of a web app, running on a webserver, under some sort of MVC framework. I don’t need to test that the webserver accepts connections or that my MVC framework correctly routes requests to my controller. All I need to test is the actual logic which I’ve written to execute once the MVC framework is done all its routing magic.
Consider this example controller method from ASP.NET MVC:
public ActionResult DoWork() {
// Complex business logic here
return View();
To test our business logic in this configuration, we would need to instantiate a controller, execute our action method, and then verify the returned view. The majority of our test will be in testing components we didn’t write! If our business logic lived in a separate location, like a Service Layer or Domain Model, we could test those things directly and leave the UI out of it.
Notice that I’m only talking about unit tests here. Integration tests, where you would be testing your entire integrated application, are a different beast entirely and shouldn’t be skipped in cases like this.
Internal Dependencies
Internal dependencies are things that are written in-house but which are separate from the current project. If your internal dependencies are already vigorously tested elsewhere, you don’t need to test them again in your current project.
In other words, you should test things in the appropriate places. You do need tests, but you don’t need or want them spread out all over the world. Put tests where they belong and trust that tests exist and are passing when you attempt to reuse an existing library or product (if there are no tests, or if tests exists and don’t pass, that’s a bigger cultural issue which needs immediate and decisive resolution).
Simple Gateways, Adaptors, Bridges, and Facades
Simple classes which provide access to other components but do not contain any meaningful logic of their own do not need to be tested.
Consider the case where I am using EntityFramework as my ORM, and I write a
simple IRepository<T>
wrapper type around the EntityFramework DbSet<T>
As I’ve discussed elsewhere, DbSet<T>
is an implementation of the Repository
pattern already, so your wrapper is just an Adaptor to make EF fit into your
solution a little nicer (and also to provide an abstraction boundary, for
various tangential purposes, such as simplified mocking for tests).
When you have a situation like this, you don’t need to test your
type, because it’s methods have a one-to-one relationship with
the underlying EntityFramework methods and because EntityFramework doesn’t need to be tested by your
application. If EF is well tested, and if you’ve done
basic due diligence like checking that your DbSet<T>
reference isn’t null or
disposed, you can be certain that your IRepository<T>
works correctly. Don’t
waste time testing it if you know it’s right because it’s too simple to get wrong.
Look at this method:
public void WidgetResult DoWidgetThing(WidgetArgs args)
return _widgetMaster.DoWidgetThingInternal(args);
Under the dubious proposition that this code is worth having in the first place, it’s obvious that
we don’t require unit tests here. If WidgetMaster.DoWidgetThingInternal
is already properly tested,
then what can possibly go wrong here? Well, _widgetMaster
could be null, in which case this method
would throw a null ref exception. If _widgetMaster
is being injected through a constructor
parameter and you know it’s not null, that’s a case that isn’t worth considering.
Code which does nothing except make straight-forward, trivial calls to other methods which are themselves well-tested, are likely not worth testing. Here’s another, slightly more complicated example lifted from an ASP.NET WebAPI setting:
public void ThingResultDto GetThings(ThingRequestDto requestDto)
DomainRequest request = _requestTranslator.TranslateToDomainRequest(requestDto);
DomainResult result = _domainService.Handle(request);
ThingResultDto resultDto = _resultTranslator.TranslateFromDomainResult(result);
return resultDto;
This case is more complicated than before, but still very simple. We translate a user request from
the API into a domain request object, pass that off to some kind of service layer class, then
translate the domain result back into a DTO suitable for sending back over the wire. If
, DomainService
and ResultTranslator
classes are already well tested, is
there any value in also testing this GetThings
method in your WebAPI Controller? Integration tests
are always valuable, of course, but in this case unit tests seem superfluous. You don’t need to
write a test here, because there is no non-trivial, untested logic. Method calls and variable
assignments are details of your language, compiler or runtime, and these things are third party
tools. You don’t need to test third party tools, as I’ve already said.
I know you’re probably thinking “But what if somebody else on my team changes this method? What if the order of statements is rearranged, or if new logic is added to it”? To this I have a few replies:
- You can’t rearrange the order of statements in this method, because the type system and the
compiler prevent that. You can’t use the variables before they’re defined, and you can’t swap a
in place for aDomainResult
, so those kinds of changes are impossible. - By cultural convention, your team should know to keep thinks like MVC controllers thin, and move non-trivial logic into the Application Service Layer, or Domain Model, or wherever else. In that case, you shouldn’t worry about people adding testable logic to places that are intentionally kept simple.
- What happens normally, when you change logic in a method? You go to your test suite and ensure that either the tests continue to pass or that new tests are added to verify the new behavior. If you’re adding non-trivial logic to a simple method which is not previously tested, normal operating procedure tells us that we need to add a test. I’m not saying some things should never be tested, I’m saying that some things in certain conditions are not worth testing. If something which hadn’t been worth testing suddenly is worth testing, test it.
I’ll talk about this in more detail below, but it’s worth pointing out that the amount of tests you need is proportional to the value of the code. If the code does nothing of value, and cannot (according to the rules of your language, compiler and runtime) do anything other than what is represented, you don’t need tests.
(Notice that if you add custom logic in your adaptor, such as data mapping, validation, consistency or other rules, you will need to test that).
Orchestrators are classes which take complex tasks, break them up into logical subtasks, and delegate those subtasks to child objects for processing. This is classic Map-Reduce and things like it: Map a large aggregate task out to several smaller tasks, and then reduce the various result sets down into a single result.
Consider the case of a Service Layer which interacts with your Domain Model and persists results using a Repository:
public class FooService {
private readonly IRepository<Foo> Repository;
public FooService(IRepository<Foo> repo) { Repository = repo; }
public void DoTheThing(ThingArgs args) {
Foo foo = Repository.Load(args.FooId);
if (foo == null)
This class breaks down the high-level domain task “Do the thing” into individual bits: Load the target object, perform an operation on it, and store the results of that operation back into the database. Taken together, this all sounds complicated. But when you break the task down into the individual operations and delegate those operations to the appropriate classes, it’s not a big task anymore.
What you should notice is that this DoTheThingAndSave
method doesn’t do much except call a
sequence of methods on other classes, just like our WebAPI Controller method above. “But wait”, I
can hear you saying already, “There’s an if
statement in there! This method has testable logic!”
Not really. The if
is a simple null ref check. Test it if you want to, but I think the value
proposition is dubious. Besides that if
, this class doesn’t really have any logic to it Besides
calling a sequence of methods in a required order. The compiler and type system guarantee that the
method can’t be called in order, or that one of the calls be omitted without throwing an error about
using an uninitialized variable.
The loading and updating logic
happens in the repository, which your tests are going to mock anyway. The null
check is trivial, and then the rest of the method is a simple redirect to
. If Foo.Thing()
is already tested, there’s no reason to
test FooService.DoTheThing()
“But wait!” I can hear you yelling from over the interwebs “What if we add more logic to
later and these trivial behaviors you mention become more complex or even get broken?”
You don’t need tests so long as your code is trivial. If you lose that property, you do need to add
tests. But then, in the interest of being lazy, maybe we make sure that things which are trivial
remain so. This is a cultural effort, and one that your team would need to know and understand.
The easiest tests to write are the ones which don’t get written at all. The fastest tests
to run are no tests. Make sure your team recognizes that keeping certain bits of logic trivial is in their
own best interests. Again, if something can’t stay trivial, tests need to be added.
Our FooService.DoTheThing()
method loads data out of our data store into a business object,
and then performs an operation on that business object. Where are we going to add complexity anyway?
We need some kind of precondition validation on the ID? We can put that in the repository. We need
another condition in there for an early exit on incomplete load? We can add a Specification object,
which will be separately tested. We need to change which method or which series of methods we call
on our Foo
business object once it’s been loaded? Maybe we refactor the body of this method out
into a handful of interchangable Strategy objects, which are individually tested. What if we need to
add more method calls at the end, after foo.Thing()
? Well, we could compose many small
methods on foo
into a single orchestrating method on that class, or we could just add them all
at the end. What will a test of FooService.DoTheThing()
show us in this case? We’ll set up
a mock repository to return a mock Foo
, which will count method calls and verify ordering? We
start to venture dangerously far down the path of over-specification and micromanagement, which are
big reasons why mock objects get such a bad rap in some corners. We do not need tests to prove that
the order of methods called in our code is what it is in our code when our code works correctly.
See? it’s even absurd to try and describe what we’re trying to test!
If your try your absolute best and still can’t find a way to keep this method simple in the face of changing requirements, then by all means add tests for it. You don’t need tests when things are trivially simple, but when you lose simplicity you lose the benefit of not needing tests.
My point is this: our FooService.DoTheThing()
method doesn’t need to be tested and can
resist the need to be tested because all testable, non-trivial logic can and should be moved
elsewhere. This class is a simple orchestrator, delegating the real work out to other classes.
We absolutely do not need to test that our programming language can assign a variable correctly, that it can correctly test for null, or that it can correctly call a method. If we are indeed using mocks or stubs for our Repository instance, we don’t need to test that our mock object library can correctly create mock objects, or that those mock objects return the values we’ve told them to create. All these things are already under test, safely filed away in our “External Dependencies” folder.
It’s a heck of a lot less work to setup a unit test for a class which has no dependencies, few dependencies or extremely simple dependencies. Classes which bring together a more complicated set of dependencies, where Service Layer is a common example of such, are harder to create tests for and therefore there is benefit in avoiding the need to test these things. If your orchestrator needs to provide more behavior, you can encapsulate that in another method on an existing dependency or in a new dependent type, and delegate out to that.
On a side note, I occasionally hear people arguing about whether the Service Layer should be thin or thick. My money comes down on the side of being thin (and therefore trivial) for exactly these reasons. A Service Layer, in my mind, exists to bring together dependencies (you are properly using Dependency Inversion, right?) and delegate out tasks to them. Simpler classes are easier to reason about, and being able to reason about things means it’s easier to understand what they do and feel comfortable that they do the right things.
On yet another side note, I see posts around the internet for “Are you a C expert?”. These posts invariably show code examples of things like weird instruction ordering, weird type-casting, weird out-of-bounds issues and other weird code and then end with some little snip about how you can’t really call yourself an expert if you can’t answer these questions about the language. In retort, I like to point out that knowing not to write code like that is a much more valuable skill than knowing exactly what bad things happen when you do. Not walking into the minefield in the first place is a much stronger sign of intelligence in my mind than walking in with some heuristic for how to avoid most of the mines. I’ll gladly call you an expert if you know what code to not write, even if you can’t tell me exactly why I shouldn’t write it. Think about this next time you’re designing code for testability. If your code is simple and follows best practices, you don’t need a super-expert to sort it out, and you don’t need big complicated tests (or maybe any tests at all!).
After all that my thesis stands: Any class which does nothing but bring together dependencies and delegate to them can be made trivial, and trivial classes like this don’t need to be tested.
Pure Data Objects
Any object which is pure data and has no logic or only trivial logic (null
checking constructor parameters) does not need to be tested. You need to trust
your programming language when it says it will make public get
accessors work as advertised.
Things like DTO patterns and Null Object patterns fall into this category. If there is no logic, there is no need for a test.
What Do We Test?
So far I’ve listed several things which do not need to be tested. What’s left? What do we test?
Let’s start by considering a tree. Tree has a trunk. Trunk splits into branches. Branches into twigs and at the end of the twigs we have the fun, interesting stuff like leaves, flowers and fruit. The inside of your tree is just wood: trunk and branches. Leaves, flowers and fruit form a shell or canopy around the outside, where the action is. Leaves need to be on the outside of the structure to receive unobscured sunlight. Flowers form on the outer edge where pollinators are likely to fly by. Fruit forms where the flowers were. New growth, stems and shoots, typically come out where your leaves are, with buds and free-flowing metabolic energy. The inside of your tree is the structural stuff, the wood. The outer edge is where the interesting stuff happens and where new growth is added.
Now let’s think about your program call graph like a tree. Your trunk is your entry point. From there you call methods on your Orchestrators (your branches) which in turn eventually call methods on your testable classes (leaves, flowers, fruit). (or, if you’re using Dependency Inversion, which you should be, you take references to child objects and call methods on them). The wood is just boring and structural. It works because it must. If the wood doesn’t work, there is no tree. If the wood works but the leaves don’t, what you have is a big waste of time and energy.
You start with one method on one object, which calls more methods on other objects, which in turn calls even more methods on other objects, and so on and so forth. At the very end of our graph, the leaves, we have things which either call out to external tools or else do pure work and return the results. External tools are already tested, so what’s left for us to test is our own pure methods. Methods which we write, which perform logic and return.
So think about your code as having the following three types of objects:
- Branch Classes which do no work themselves, but instead delegate work to children, and then aggregate results back to the parent. (Orchestrators)
- External Gateways which interact with external resources and libraries. These are basically orchestrators themselves, because they do no real work but instead reformat the request and send it on to the external resource like any other dependency.
- Pure Classes which perform some kind of computation and return a result without calling external resources or only make trivial calls.
In an ideal project, if you’ve really taken the time to structure your code in the way I’m suggesting, you only need to test your non-adaptor Pure Class leaves. Your Branch Classes just delegate tasks to children so those are trivial and don’t need tests. Your external resources are no going to be included in your unit tests so your External Gateways will probably be replaced with mocks or stubs and won’t be tested either. The only things you need to test are your Pure Classes, which might not necessarily be “pure” in the sense of being completely side-effect free, but they do work and return results without calling out to another class.
If you can separate out your classes into these three piles, classes which only delegate but do no real work, classes which are simply abstraction boundaries around the outside world, and classes which only really do work and do not delegate, you can focus your testing on the last group and be confident that you do not need to worry about anything else.