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Harness Examples

Here’s basic code to create a test harness using Rosella Harness with NQP:


# Create your Harness, your View, and a Factory for creating TestRuns
my $harness  := Rosella::build(Rosella::Harness);
my $testview := $harness.default_view();
my $factory  := Rosella::build(Rosella::Harness::TestRunFactory);

# Add all test files from the "t/" directory, searching recursively
# Add all test files to a default test run. Test files are presumed to be
# written in NQP also.
$factory.add_test_dirs("NQP", "t", :recurse(1));
my $testrun := $factory.create();

# Add the run to the view, then run it in the harness
$testview.add_run($testrun, 0);
$$testrun, $testview);

# Show the results to the user

Here’s an example, creating a test harness which runs sanity tests first, and only runs remaining tests if the first batch passes.


# Create your Harness, your View, and a Factory for creating TestRuns
my $harness  := Rosella::build(Rosella::Harness);
my $testview := $harness.default_view();
my $factory  := Rosella::build(Rosella::Harness::TestRunFactory);

# Get the sanity tests. Do not recurse automatically
$factory.add_test_dirs("NQP", "t/sanity", :recurse(0));
my $sanityrun := $factory.create();

# Create the "real" test run from a few specific directories
$factory.add_test_dirs("Winxed", "t/src", "t/pmc", "t/lib", :recurse(1));
my $testrun := $factory.create();

# Add the runs to the view
$testview.add_run($sanityrun, 0);
$testview.add_run($testrun, 0);

if ($$sanityrun, $testview))
    $$testrun, $testview)

# Show the results to the user