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Rosella Memoize


The Rosella Memoize library provides a set of utilities for performing memoization on subroutines. Memoization is a mechanism for caching function return values to save on costly recalculations.


Simple Memoization

Simple memoization wraps a subroutine (the “target”) in a closure with a small amount of cache code. Simple memoizers are fast and light weight, but do not have many features. Simple memoizers cannot be examined or modified once they have been created, and it will not be possible for users of the simple memoizer to determine whether they are interacting with the target directly or if they are working with a memoizer.

Proxy-Based Memoization

Using the Rosella Proxy library, we can create memoizers with proxy objects. This is a more heavy and more capable alternative to simple memoization. Proxy-based memoizers allow you to inspect and manipulate the memoizer after it has been created, at the expense of having more runtime overhead and lower performance.

With a proxy-based memoizer, user code can determine if the object is a memoizer or not. If so, the user code can inspect it and retrieve a reference to the target Sub and Cache, or even modify either of those two fields.

In-Place Method Memoization

Using proxy-based memoization, Rosella Memoize library can perform in-place memoization of methods for existing classes. The Memoize library does this by removing the old method object from the class, wrapping it up in a memoize proxy, and inserts the proxy into the class where the old method object used to be. This process is transparent and reversible. Notice that there are performance implications, the class’ method cache must be cleared, which can cause a period of decreased performance while the cache is refilled.



The Rosella.Memoize namespace represents the friendly public API for the library. You should try to use the functions here where possible, instead of attempting to fiddle with other components. This namespace provides the following functions:



Rosella.Memoize.Controller is a subclass of Rosella.Proxy.Controller for working with proxy-based memoizers. Do not use this class directly.


Rosella.Memoize.Factory is a factory for creating memozing sub proxies. It uses Rosella.Proxy.Factory to create memoize proxies.


Rosella.Memoize.Cache is an abstract parent class used for memoize caches. You should not use this class directly, but you must inherit from it in your custom cache implementations. The library identifies valid caches by searching the inheritance tree for this class. If you do not use this as a parent of a custom cache type, the library may break or exhibit weird behavior.


Rosella.Memoize.Cache.Item is an entry in a cache. Item holds a value and also a flag to determine if that value is valid. Caches should return Item.


Rosella.Memoize.Cache.SimpleString uses simple stringification to create cache keys. This is not a high-performance operation, and it does not work with objects which cannot be stringified.



// Function to memoize
function my_function(var a) { ... }

// Simple memoization
using Rosella.Memoize.memoize;
var memoized = memoize(my_function);

// Proxy-based memoization
using Rosella.Memoize.memoize_proxy;
var memo_proxy = memoize_proxy(my_function);
using Rosella.Memoize.proxy_cache;
var cache = proxy_cache(memo_proxy);
using Rosella.Memoize.proxy_function;
var orig_func = proxy_function(memo_proxy);


# Simple memoization
sub my_function($a) { ... }
my &memoized := Rosella::Memoize::memoize(my_function);

# Proxy-based memoization
sub my_function($a) { ... }
my &memo_proxy := Rosella::Memoize::memoize_proxy(my_function);
my $cache := Rosella::Memoize::proxy_cache(&memo_proxy);
my $my_function := Rosella::memoze::proxy_function(&memo_proxy);
