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Rosella Query


The Rosella Query library is a library for performing higher-order functions on aggregate data. Aggregates are things like arrays and hashes, where an object contains many related child objects. The Rosella Query library is based in no small part on ideas from the .NET System.Linq library, although many of the routine names are changed and the interfaces have been modified to suit the capabilities of the Parrot Virtual Machine.


Queryables and Iterables

The Query library has two major types of objects: Queryables and Iterables. A Queryable is an eager object which performs higher-order routines on an existing in-memory aggregate. For instance, a Queryable can operate on an existing Array object, perform operations on the contents, and return a new Array. Queryables tend to have a little bit less overhead and can have better performance, but they are also eager and not suitable for use with infinite data sources.

Calling the “map” method on a Queryable Array will perform the mapping in a tight loop and return a fresh new array. Calling the map method on an Array Iterable will return the Iterable with that mapping integrated into the fetch logic. Every access of an item on the Iterable reads a new item from the Array and performs the mapping on that item only. All other consumers of the stream will not know that any mappings have been applied to it, and the data source (the Array) will be read lazily.

Queryables tend to work best with in-memory objects which are Arrays or Hashes. They are eager and relatively quick, using type-specific optimizations for different operations where possible. Queryables will try to preserve semantics of the input type. For instance, creating a Queryable for an Array object will typically return results in an array format. Queryables with Hash data will typically return results as Hashes. Methods such as .to_array(), .to_hash(), .sort() or .fold() may modify the storage type.

Iterables work like normal Parrot Iterators, with several new methods and semantics. They tend to work best with objects which are lazy and iterable. For instance, the lines of text in a very large file may be best read one at a time instead of reading the whole contents of a file into a large blob of in-memory text and attempting to work with it all at once. Lines of input from a Pipe from a long-lived subprocess, or a network Socket might not be limited in number, and attempting to read all data into a single blob may hang the program. Using an Iterable over these sources ensures that lines would be read individually and only on demand. Iterables always treat data as sequential and array-like. They also tend to be one-way structures. Once you read data from the Iterable you need to explicitly .reset() the object in order to read the values again. Not all Iterables support .reset(), so some reads may only be done once. Besides the creation of iterators over the target data, the Iterable never modifies and rarely accesses the original data.

Modifying the target data externally during iteration is not recommended and may cause weird unwanted effects or even throw exceptions. Don’t do it.

Functions and Predicates

The Query library takes two types of function objects for it’s routines: regular functions and predicates. This is mostly a difference in terminology. A function is one that takes one or more data values and is expected to return another data value. A Predicate is a function that is expected to take one or more data values and return a boolean. Typically the boolean value is an answer to the question “Does this value belong in the result set?”. For example, the .filter() method on Queryable and Stream takes a predicate which returns true if the data should be included, and false if the data should be excluded. The .count() method takes an optional predicate which, if provided, determines which objects should be included in the count.

Map, Filter, and Fold

Map, Filter, and Fold are the classic higher-order functions. They have well-known behaviors and can be combined together in powerful ways.

Map iterates over the data, producing a new item in the results set for each element in the input set. The result of a Map operation on a Queryable is always the same type of aggregate (array or hash) as the input data. Maps on Iterables return a sequence of the mapped values. It will also always have the same number of elements.

Filter iterates over the data, only copying items which satisfy a predicate into the result set. The result of a Filter operation on a Queryable is the same type as the input aggregate (array or hash), although it will typically have fewer entries. In an array result the surviving elements are moved forward and indices are not preserved. In a hash result, the surviving elements have the same keys. If Filter is used on a scalar, the result will either be the scalar itself (if it passes the filter) or null. If the original scalar data is null, the two results are indistinguishable. For Streams, a filter operation will return the current data if it matches the predicate, or it will pull a new piece of data from the source until it does.

Fold (also known as “Reduce”) iterates over the input data, combining the elements together into a single result. The result of a Fold is always a scalar. For Iterables, the Fold operation is eager and will read all remaining data from the source.

Take and Skip

Take and skip reduce a set by a specified number, starting at the beginning of the aggregate. In the case of Take, only the first N items are stored in the results set. If N is larger than the aggregate, all items are included in the result. In Skip, we skip the first N items and return all the rest. Both of these methods can take a predicate. If provided, the predicate is used with a filter-like operation to reduce the input set first, before the items are counted and partitioned.

For array aggregates, result sets are calculated in order. So .take(3) will return a new array with items 0, 1, and 2 from the input data. Likewise, Skip will return items from the end of the array. For hash aggregates, there is no idea of ordering. The take and skip routines use iterators, and dutifully take or skip items from the iterator in the order they are presented. Where the iterator does not preserve order, the result sets may appear to be randomly selected.

.skip(0) always returns a complete copy of the input data. .take(0) always returns an empty aggregate (or null, for scalars). For Scalar data, Take with any positive number returns the scalar itself, while Skip with any value greater than 1 returns null.

For Iterables, the Take operation acts like a limit for the number of items retrieved. Once the maximum number of items have been taken, no more data will be read from the source. The skip operation is likewise lazy. It immediately reads through the first N items from the source and discards them. It then returns all subsequent items unaltered.

Count, Any, Single, and First

Count returns a count of elements in the aggregate. Count can take an optional predicate and will return the number of items which match that predicate if provided. In Iterables, Count is eager and will read all remaining data from the source. The Iterable must be reset before the data can be read again. Notice that resetting the Iterable, in some cases depending on implementation, might alter the count of items. For example, if a .project() call returns a variable number of items depending on context-sensitive data, it can return a different number of elements the second time it is called on the same object.

Any returns true if there are any items in the aggregate, or any items which match an optional predicate. This behavior is intended to be as lazy as possible. In Iterables Any is lazy. It reads items from the source until the predicate is satisfied. Data that is read during Any is lost unless the Iterable is reset. Any only reads data if there are predicates to test and if the first element in the data does not satisfy the predicate. Otherwise, it should not read any data.

Single expects an aggregate with exactly one element. Single returns that element, as a Scalar Queryable. If the aggregate has zero elements or more than 1, an exception is thrown.

First returns the first item in the aggregate, or the first item which matches an optional predicate. As with the note above about skip and take, hash aggregates are not expected to be ordered and the notion of “first” may be nonsensical. If the aggregate is empty, First throws an exception. There is a variant called .first_or_default which returns a default value (null, unless specified otherwise) if the aggregate is empty.

to_array and to_hash

The Queryable object can convert between hash and array types, or remap the items in a hash to new positions.

The to_array Queryable method returns an Array Queryable. Where the input data is an array, to_array returns a copy of it. Where the input data is a hash, to_array returns an array of the values of the hash (in the order returned by the hash iterator). Hash keys are lost irretrievably. For Iterables, to_array returns a normal Parrot array (usually a ResizablePMCArray) of the input objects, not a new Iterable.

The to_hash Queryable method returns a hash Queryable. It takes a function to be used for generating the hash key from the data item. The key generator function only takes the data item as input, not the key for an existing hash. Old hash keys are lost irretrievably. For Iterables, to_hash returns a new Parrot Hash PMC with the given keys. to_hash also takes an optional second argument, a function for selecting data for each key.

data, next, execute and unwrap_first

There are two methods for pulling data out of a Queryable without wrapping it back into another queryable. The first, .data() returns the complete data object reference from the Queryable. The second, .unwrap_first is a method on Provider only and is not accessable through Queryable. It returns the first item from an aggregate, such as the first item in an array, or the first item from a hash iterator.

For Iterables there are several methods for retrieving results. The .to_array and .to_hash methods have already been discussed. The .foreach method iterates the source performing a callback on each item. The .execute method iterates the source and performs no callback and returns no value (useful if side-effects are wanted only). The .next() method retrieves the next single value from the stream. Notice that calling .next() may draw several items from the source iterable or none at all. For instance, if the iterable contains filter logic where some items do not match the predicate, multiple items may need to be read to find an item that can be returned. Also, if a part of the iterable has cached data from a previous calculation, calling .next might return items from the cache and won’t touch the source.



The Rosella.Query namespace provides some utility functions. The as_queryable function takes an aggregate or other data and wraps it in a Rosella.Query.Queryable object. The as_stream function takes an iterable value and returns a Rosella.Query.Stream object. These methods should be used instead of calling constructors on Stream or Queryable directly.


The Rosella.Query.Sort namespace provides several sort algorithm implementations and helper routines for sorting data. These typically do not need to be accessed directly. Instead, use the Rosella.Query.sort_array function to perform in-place array sorts.



Rosella.Query.Iterable is the base type for all Iterables. It provides the API and default implementations that all Iterables use. Iterables are not used directly, but subclasses of it are.

The best way to create an Iterable for your data is to use the Rosella.Query.iterable(d) function.


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Append Iterable appends additional data to the end of the current iteration.

var d = [1, 2, 3];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .append([4, 5, 6])


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Array Iterable is a source iterator for arrays and array-like data. It is a Source Iterable and reads data from no other source besides the array provided to it.


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Factory type is used to create a Source Iterable from a given data aggregate. It is called automatically from the Rosella.Query.iterable() both and you probably don’t need to work with it directly.


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Filter performs a filtering operation on data. It takes a predicate argument. Only objects which satisfy the predicate (return true) are included in the output.

var d = [1, 2, 3];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .filter(function(o) { return int(o) % 2 == 1; });


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Flatten Iterable flattens nested aggregates into a single sequence of primitive values.

var d = [1, [2], [[3], 4]];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .flatten(); // returns sequence 1, 2, 3, 4


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.GroupBy Iterable groups like objects into arrays, and returns a sequence of name/value pairs of arrays. It takes a function which receives each data item and returns a key. Items with the same keys are grouped into arrays, and those arrays are added to a hash under that key.

var d = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var h = Rosella.Query.iterabl(d)
    .group_by(function(i) { return i % 2; })
    .to_hash(function(k) { return k.key(); }, function(k) { return k.value(); });

// same as:
var h = {
    0 : [2, 4],
    1 : [1, 3, 5]


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Hash Iterable is a source iterable which reads data from Hashes and hash-like PMCs. The Hash Iterator returns a sequence of KeyValuePair objects for each hash entry. They are not returned in any particular order and ordering of data from a Hash should not be relied upon.

A Hash Iterable is created automatically using the Rosella.Query.iterable() function. You should not need to create it directly.


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Iterator Iterable is a source iterable which reads data from an existing Parrot Iterator type. A valid iterator for use with this type is any object which implements the “iterator” role and fulfills the same API as other built-in Parrot iterator types. The Iterator Iterable reads data directly from the underlying iterator. This iterator cannot be reset with the .reset method because Parrot iterators do not support that operation.

An Iterator Iterable is created automatically using the Rosella.Query.iterable() function. You should not need to create it directly.


A Rosella.Query.Iterable.KeyValuePair object is used in the iteration of Hashes. The KeyValuePair is a pair of a hash key and the corresponding hash value.

var h = {"a" : 1, "b" : 2, "c" : 3};
var g = Rosella.Query.iterable(h)
        function(kvp) { return kvp.key(); },
        function(kvp) { return kvp.value(); }

KeyValuePair is considered an immutable type and the attribute values should not be modified after it has been created. It provides only two methods, one to access the .key() and one to access the .value().


A Rosella.Query.Iterable.Map Iterable performs a mapping where each input data item is transformed to a different data item on output.

var d = [1, 2, 3];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .map(function(j) { return string(j) + " beers on the wall"; });


A Rosella.Query.Iterable.Project Iterable projects each item in the input sequence into one or more output items. Project takes a function which takes a data item and returns an array (or hash) of items. Those output items are each individually passed to subsequent iteration stages.


A Rosella.Query.Iterable.Shuffle Iterable reads all the input data at once into an array and shuffles the order.

var d = [1, 2, 3];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)


A Rosella.Query.Iterable.Sort Iterable reads all the input data at once into an array and sorts the data. The Sort Iterable can take an optional sorting comparer function. A Comparer should take two arguments. It should return -1 if the first is less than the second, 0 if the two are equal or equivalent, or 1 if the first is greater than the second.

var d = [1, 2, 3];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)

var j = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .sort(function(a, b) {
        if (a > b) return 1;
        if (a < b) return -1;
        return 0;

The Rosella.Query.Sort namespace provides several ready-made comparers:

var f = Rosella.Query.Sort.get_default_comparer();
f = Rosella.Query.Sort.get_reverse_comparer();
f = Rosella.Query.Sort.get_unmoving_comparer();
f = Rosella.Query.Sort.get_randomizing_comparer();

var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)


Rosella.Query.Iterable.Source is the abstract parent class of various source iterables such as Array, Hash and Iterator. It provides the special API and default method implementations needed by these types.


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.TakeSkip Iterable implements the take and skip behaviors of Iterable.

var d = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .take(2); // [3, 4]


The Rosella.Query.Iterable.Tap Iterator performs a callback on each data item in the sequence. The data is returned without modification.

var d = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
var i = Rosella.Query.iterable(d)
    .tap(function(x) { say(x); });


Rosella.Query.Provider is an abstract base class for query providers. Each provider handles querys for a specific type of object. This class outlines the interface and provides a few common method implementations. Do not use this class directly. Use a subclass instead.

Providers typically do not have state, so the few types provided by the Query library by default are singletons. Custom implementations do not need to be singletons, however.


Rosella.Query.Provider.Array is a query provider for arrays and array-like structures. In uses integer-based indexing to operate on arrays in order.



Rosella.Query.Provider.Hash is a query provider for hashes and hash-like objects. It uses string-key indexing to operate on hashes. Notice that hashes are not expected to be ordered, so querys on hashes are not necessarily ordered or deterministic between program runs.


Rosella.Query.Provider.Scalar provides query behavior for data which is not an array or a hash. This is a degenerate form of the other providers, and always operates under the assumption that the data is exactly one element. The .count() method always returns 1, .take() always returns the element itself, .skip usually returns null, etc.


Rosella.Query.Queryable is a wrapper type which adds a variety of methods to a data aggregate and associates it with a query provider. Almost all methods on Queryable return the same Queryable with the new results set, so operations can be neatly chained together.

The best way to get a Queryable for your data is to use the Rosella.Query.as_queryable function.

The .data() method returns the data object stored inside the Queryable.



var rosella = load_packfile("rosella/core.pbc");

This example, from the test suite, uses .map, .filter and .fold. It uses map to square each entry. Then it uses filter to select only the odd squares. Finally, it uses fold to sum all the squares together. The sum of 1 + 9 + 25 + 49 + 81 = 165.

var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
int sum = Rosella.Query.as_queryable(data)
    .map(function(int i) { return i * i; })
    .filter(function(int j) { return j % 2; })
    .fold(function(int s, int i) { ret s + i; })
say(sum); # 165


my $rosella := pir::load_bytecode__ps("rosella/core.pbc");

Same sum-of-odd-squares example from above, in NQP-rx:

my @data := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
my $sum := Rosella::Query::as_queryable(@data, 1).map(
    -> $i { $i * $i; }
    -> $j { $j % 2; }
    -> $s, $i { $s + $i; }
pir::say($sum); # 165
