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Rosella FileSystem


Parrot provides a scant handful of utilities and routines for working with items on the filesystem, and most of these are available as extensions. These utilities tend to be thin wrappers around lower-level system calls, and don’t offer much in terms of ease-of-use, higher-level semantics, or consistency.

The Rosella FileSystem library provides Object-Oriented interfaces for dealing with files and directories in the local filesystem. The aim of this library is to provide these capabilities through a usable, extendable, object-oriented interface. This library operates as a wrapper around the OS dynpmc and the other capabilities afforded by Parrot. Many behaviors, such as error exceptions from the OS PMC are passed along to users of this library on error.




The Rosella.FileSystem namespace contains a random assortment of helper methods and routines for working with files. Among these:



Rosella.FileSystem.Entry is an abstract base class for items which appear in a file system. The main items are files and directories. Entries have some common methods: rename, delete, exists and short_name. The rename operation renames the file on disk and updates the path string stored in the Entry object.

Entry is an abstract parent type and should not be used directly.


Rosella.FileSystem.File is an object that represents a file on the file system. A File object is created with the name of the file to represent. This name cannot be changed through the life of the File object unless the underlying file is renamed.

The File class gives access to some basic IO routines, and includes some utilities for automatically creating and opening a FileHandle. It also has several routines for working with files, such as the interface for Entry discussed above.

Here are some example usages of File:

var file = new Rosella.FileSystem.File("bar.txt");
int exists = file.exists();
string name = file.short_name();
file.write_all_text("This is text");
string txt = file.read_all_text();


Rosella.FileSystem.Directory is an Entry object that represents a directory in the file system. Directories contain lists of Files and Directories, which can be read in and iterated over with walk routines.

Here are some example usages of Directory:

var dir = new Rosella.FileSystem.Directory("foo");
dir.delete();               # Fails if the dir contains anything
int exists = dir.exists();
var files = dir.get_files();
var dirs = dir.get_subdirectories();
var contents = dir.walk();
dir.walk_func(function(var f) { say("File: " + string(f)); });




The contents of a directory and subdirectories can be recursively iterated with a Rosella.FileSystem.Visitor. This is an abstract base class that provides a common API for visitor types.

Visitors are typically not used by the user directly. Instead, they are used through the Directory .walk() and .walk_func() methods, and other methods on the Directory object.


Rosella.FileSystem.Visitor.Delete is a Visitor type which is used to recursively delete items in a directory. This is used to implement the Directory.delete_recursive method. This visitor deletes all files in a folder and then deletes the folder itself, during recursion.


Rosella.FileSystem.Visitor.Function is used to execute an arbitrary function reference on each File in the directory. It only executes functions on the File entries, no the subdirectories.


Rosella.FileSystem.Visitor.List reads a list of all directory contents recursively and returns that list to the caller.



var rosella = load_packfile("rosella/core.pbc");

Create a new directory:

var dir = construct(class Rosella.FileSystem.Directory, "foo");
if (!dir.exists())

Create a new file with some text:

var file = construct(class Rosella.FileSystem.File, "foo.txt");
file.write_all_text("This is text");

Get a file from the current directory:

using Rosella.FileSystem.Directory.current_directory;
var dir = current_directory();
var file = dir["foo.txt"];
string txt = file.read_all_text();


my $rosella := pir::load_bytecode__ps("rosella/core.pbc");
